Silver L Cross Cut Roman Travertine

Material: Roman Travertine

Origin: Tivoli, Italy

Availability: Blocks, Slabs, Cut to size

Suggested finishes:
saw cut, honed and stone color filled, honed and unfilled, brushed and unfilled, brushed and stone color filled, tumbled

Suggested processing:
stone profiles, mosaics and patterns

General description

Travertine Silver L cross cut is the perfect representation of natural beauty refined by advanced manufacturing techniques. The cut is performed perpendicular to the veining and conceals the natural veins that would otherwise stripe the surface, revealing a neat pattern-free look. Beige and cream shades evoke calmness, stability and above all, warmth.

Deep in the earth, Silver L lies between Silver Dark and Classico quarry layers, capturing the essences of these other two natural stones. Like the Silver D, Silver L ensures a gorgeous visual effect, while sharing with Classico the delicacy of its color palette. Hence, the shades create a mesmerizing appearance that seduce the eyes of the beholder.

As a cross cut, travertine Silver L encourages mixes and matches with other natural stones for creative and unique results. In fact, gorgeous visual effects are obtained with mosaics and patterns that skillfully handle this sophisticated Roman Travertine. It is elegant, classic, and yet captures all the strength of the Silver travertines.

Travertine Silver L cross cut is the perfect solution for exterior designs: installing claddings and pavings has never been easier and has never displayed such durable results before. In addition, this natural stone is highly resistant to extreme weather conditions, it is naturally non-slip, and requires low maintenance. It ensures refinement and authority to the façade of any building. In summary, our roman travertine is exquisitely manufactured and has been used for dressing up commercial and residential buildings all over the world.

Inner spaces benefit from the natural glowing of this roman travertine. Works of art and furnishing made of travertine Silver L cross cut enrich kitchen and living areas, while countertops in halls and bathrooms add a glamourous touch. Sophisticated details of the greatest quality praised by travertine and marble connoisseurs.

Technical Specifications Roman Travertine Silver

1) Flexural strength (UNI EN 12372)

1a) Load perpendicular to asiontropic planes

Mean Fleaxural StrengthStandard deviation

1b) Load perpendicular to corners of asiontropic planes

Mean Fleaxural StrengthStandard deviation

2) Freeze-thaw resistance (UNI EN 12371)

2a) Load perpendicular to asiontropic planes

Mean Fleaxural StrengthStandard deviation

2b) Load perpendicular to corners of asiontropic planes

Mean Fleaxural StrengthStandard deviation

3) Slip Resistance (UNI EN 1341)

Mean Slip Resistance, Single Sample

4) Abrasion Resistance (UNI EN 1341)

Mean Abrasion Resistance